Consultant Ophthalmologist

Expert in Glaucoma and Cataract Surgery.

Mr. Hemmerdinger is a Consultant Ophthalmologist at East Cheshire NHS trust, where he leads the glaucoma service.

Mr. Hemmerdinger is a high-volume cataract surgeon, performing over 1000 cataracts per year. He performs complex cataract surgery, implanting all types of intraocular lenses. He is also a comprehensive glaucoma surgeon with a special interest in non-penetrating glaucoma surgery, however, perform all types of glaucoma surgery including trabeculectomy, minimally invasive glaucoma surgery and glaucoma drainage devices. Mr. Hemmerdinger performs several hundred glaucoma procedures each year.

Mr. Hemmerdinger was appointed as Consultant Ophthalmologist at Warrington and Halton NHS Foundation Trust in 2011. He became Clinical Lead for Ophthalmology and Oral Surgery in 2014. In 2016 Mr. Hemmerdinger took up a position of Consultant Ophthalmologist at East Cheshire NHS trust, where he now leads the glaucoma services.

Mr. Hemmerdinger is the immediate  past president of the Medical Contact Lens and Ocular Surface Association (MCLOSA). He is past chairman of the Northern Optometric Society and is a member of the United Kingdom and Eire Glaucoma Society (UKEGS).

Mr. Hemmerdinger has attended medicolegal and clinical negligence courses.  He has been producing medicolegal reports since 2020.

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